Friday, December 5, 2008

Arrays in C# : Value type or Ref type

Array Class is the abstract class provides methods for manipulation of array....
int [] intArray;
intArray = new int[5]

string [] names;
names = new string[10];

now from above which one is value type and which one is refrence type (Int is value type and String is refrence type)
ok the topic is interesting lets's play with it
as we all know the difference in readonly and const keyword in C#
readonly can be applied with only ref type and const can be only with value type except string
and if you try to make the above said array to const it will show error while it will work fine with readonly
try using this line of code in your program
you may also try this see the error
public const int[] intArray = new int[5];

now lets do another test on these arrays
declare one readonly array and try to change it svalue

like readonly int [] intarray = {1,2,3}

intArray[1] = 4

it will execute fine

because array is ref type so ref remains same when readonly but value can be changed
so we can finally conclude that all array are refernce type whether it contains value type or reference type