Wednesday, June 16, 2010

DataTable To String Array in C# without using a for Loop

Many time we need need to get data from dataset\Datatable to array to pass it to some function or third API like x axis or y axis series of chart controls or to some other reporting or data binding control may be dropdown. it becomes difficult to get the data of a column(s) in array and finally we end up writing a for loop. here is a sample example by which we can simply get array of a column(s) with out a for loop
public static string DataRowToString(DataRow dr)
       return dr["columns"].ToString();
public string [] DataTableToArray(DataTable dt)
     DataRow[] dr = dt.Select();
     string [] strArr= Array.ConvertAll(dr, new Converter(DataRowToString));
     return strArr;

Array.ConvertAll() function simply converts the array of one to another so here in above example we are passing dr as an araay of datarows in first arguments. second argument is a Converter delegate type which convert one type to another so in this we will pass a link to delegate which is DataRowToString() function ,the delegate should know the input datatype and output datatype which is datatrow and string in this case respectively. function DataRowToString noe simply takes a datarow and return the string value for the column specified. which can be extended for multiple columns also.
