Thursday, February 15, 2007

To Display a Message when Javascript is disabled in browser

Many times we come across this issue when we just want to inform the users about there particular browser setting. usuage of scripts now days are so popular that you can't build a very efficient & user friendly web sites with out use of script. Popular Web2.0 sites use scripts heavily to have better look and feel
it becomes diffcult when user's browser script setting is disabled and all your efforts are just of no use because of this settings. In this case you always would like to inform the user about this particular setting and how she can enable it
noscript tag in javascript provides this functionality and renders message only when the java script is disabled. Inside this tag you can provide a information about the issue and how it can be resolved
below is the sample code
just copy and paste these four lines in to a empty html page and see the effect while javascript is enable and disabled both
<noscript>javascript is disabled.kindly enable javascript in your browser</noscript>
<BODY onLoad="alert('hello Javascript is enabled')">

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